Video tutorial for MultiMedia Logic 1.4
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 Mmlogic apa itu..????
mmlogic adalah program komputer yang di gunakan untuk belajar gerbang logika(logic gate) untuk mengatur suatu IC,


MultiMedia Logic is a MultiMedia Logic Design System. It allows the user to design, edit, and simulate digital logic circuits in virtual reality. Using the realtime simulation, it is easy to debug complex circuits without having to pickup a soldering iron or deal with a tangle of wires. Avoid zapping expensive integrated circuits.
Main Features:
Intuitive to use: VCR like controls, Drag and Drop, Tip of the Day,
Tool Tips, Comprehensive Online Help.
Interact instantly with your MultiMedia Logic circuits.
Learn an internationally recognized philosophy, Logic Design.
Supports networking over the Internet.
Supports a programmable Robot device.
It's also FREE.
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