I can't stop my love for you

*I can't stop my love for you
we spoke toward the future
like we had a place we could go together
Oh baby I can't stop my love for you
I'll become your everything I believe in your promise
to never let go of my hand as we walk

before our eyes, the mystery of this incomplete map
has spread and expanded
but it moved my heart so much...
however you arrange your words,
these thoughts can never be told enough
this love is whispering the meaning of affection

I can't stop my love for you
because the speed at which we both will walk
is surely not the same...
if it happens am beside you and you drop my hand
so we don't lose one another, come back and get me, okay?
I won't say lies like "I hate you" but
For "I love you" that's never a lie isn't it?
if I can't see you, if I can't be with you
don't you dare start getting lenient with your thoughts...
because this heart belongs to you and only you

I can`t stop my love for you
so our love won't be torn apart, the two of us
will have to hold onto it as one
and on those nights
when uncertainty visits you
take our love in your arms
and embrace it tightly

of all of these irreplaceable things
that you have given to me here
the most precious thing you have given
is you yourself

Lyrics by: Aiuchi Rina

Although you chose him,
I will not regret and will not give up even though I know that this wall does not collapse by my talent.
Lengkap sudah hadiah Allah yang di berikan padaku pada bulan ini...
hari ini hadiah yang paling membuatku terdiam terpaku.

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