Life goes on by Mica Arisaka

Every time I look up into the sky filled with tears,
A fickle wave of blue binds my chest.

If it's destiny, I will leave behind the days
That I have fought to the end of grief.

Life Goes On, passionately.
As long as I'm still alive,

Even if I lose who I really am,
Life Goes On, I want to protect it.

It broke my heart,
And in eyes that have seen true sorrow,
Love overflowing.

flowers that bloom in winter misty painting of a landscape.
"Strength is tenderness" I sing.
For what and for whom
Do you continue to fight for now?

Life Goes On, will be reborn.
If ignorance we meet again,
I do not want to lose you for a second time, but

Life Goes On. In this era,
As long as I was given life,
I caught him with this hand and this chest.
Believe in love.

I can feel your heart moving, deep inside your mind and passion.
Life goes on and on, we love each other in time of grief.
Life Goes On, passionately.

As long as I'm still alive,
I would like to share this light with you again someday.

Life Goes On, I want to protect it.
Send your prayers towards the heavens.
In eyes that have seen true sorrow,
Love overflowing.

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