Door of Flames by Yuki Kajiura

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II'll open the door of dawn with wounded fingers,
Because these hands are the ones who will decide tomorrow.

Strong wind blowing,
Fanning the fire that surrounds my body.

Through the door.
Hold your hands soft,
You stole my tears,
So I can believe in love once again.

Small is shining,
It is light to see someone go.
Point of children in the flowers bloom in the sky.

I took off to find the seeds of hope,
Towards the horizon disappears.

The night passed quietly,
As grief turned into peace,
I'm watching.
Maybe I'll go back to my hometown someday.
Until that day comes ...

Pouring rain in red above the earth mourn.
Wind cries evoke a dark fire.

It promises much,
That familiar voice,
Please let calm trembling chest.
dear ......

Towards the fire door,
Hold your hands soft,
You take tomorrow.
I want to know you again, love from the heart.
Opened today,
Sky destiny.

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