I Remain Lyrics Alanis Morissette OST Ending Prince Of Persia

How crass you stand before me with
no blood to fuel your fame
How dare you wield such flippancy
without requisite shame
Your very existence becomes my scared
mission's bane
You bow to kiss my hand
and I ignore ignited flame

I moved to meet you
Untouched I do remain

To some it seems foreign my eye
Would steely forge ahead
This land entrusted to me knows
not of hallowed secrets

Ill keep it to myself
my irade anekatips eye swim in my head
Your charm can not distract me from
the path Im born to tread

How im thrilled to know you
Unaffected I remained
How ive learned to like you
Undeterred i do remain

Less daunting as team
You unlikely king by my side
And me so much better for trusting you

My hand over your heart while you
keep hindrances at bay
Color me surprised by how our union saves the day

How ive grown to need you
As my soldier need fades
How i love to love you
And how'd i remain

I remain (repeat)

Play their music, sing their song, but dont forget buy their single/album!!

Use printable version of I Remain Lyrics Alanis Morissette

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